How to Make Christmas Tree Popcorn Garland & Popcorn Balls

How to make popcorn balls and popcorn garland for Christmas decorations. [Victoriana Magazine]


Popcorn balls look tempting on a Christmas tree. They are easy to make, a safe ornament when the tree is to be lighted with candles, and they taste very good, indeed. This Christmas craft is easy for children. Just pop a bowl of popcorn in a popcorn popper or over the stove. Layout all the ingredients and supplies for your project .... and begin. Be sure not to eat up all the popcorn before you finish this Victorian Christmas craft.



ingredients for Christmas tree popcorn garland craft

Things you will need: Popcorn kernals to pop; strong white thread; needle.




Gather up your bowls of popcorn and begin. String a lot of the flower-like popped kernels with a large needle and strong thread. When finished, loop the strands of popcorn garland from branch to branch, and the snowy white ropes will lighten up the dark green Christmas tree beautifully (Fig. 20).


Popcorn Garland



Popcorn Balls for Christmas Tree

how to make Christmas popcorn balls


Things you will need: Popcorn kernals to pop, sugar and molasses.



For the Christmas tree popcorn balls, boil one-quarter of a cup of molasses with a little sugar until it hardens in the water. Remove from the burner before it turns brittle and pour it over two quarts of popcorn. Mix well and make into balls about the size of lemons. Suspend the sweet white ornaments from the Christmas tree branches, and use the remaining corn for a different decoration.

[FROM: "CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS, Good to Eat & Good to Look Upon". The Delineator, Dec. 1901]