Parties for Valentines Day





Victorian Valentine's Day Party


During the late nineteenth century, the occasion of St. Valentine's Day was a chance for novelty in entertaining. Valentine's Day party ideas such as luncheons, teas, socials and fancy dress functions of all sorts were easily and artistically arranged with flowers, hearts, darts and cupids. The success of these pleasant social affairs often depended on the theme of the party. Some of the popular themes for both children and adult parties from the Ladies Home Journal can be adapted today for an unusual and fun event.


Valentine's Day Party Ideas

A REMINISCENCE PARTY: This party was very much enjoyed by the married folks of various ages in a small circle of friends. Each husband was asked to write a description of his wife's wedding-gown, to be read aloud when finished and submitted to her judgment. Groans accompanied the writing of the papers, along with much laughter at the reading of them. One man said that his wife's dress was dove color, when she said it was rose; and another husband described his wife's wedding-gown as of calico, explaining that they eloped in most romantic haste. Cleverest of all was the man who, instead of writing, was warmly applauded for saying that he had seen nothing at his wedding but the look in his bride's dear eyes. For a little while each husband lived over again the joys of his wedding day, and every man declared on leaving that he had spent the most delightful evening of the season.


Valentine's Day Parties

BIRD PARTY: A Valentine's Day party idea that is rather out of the ordinary is to have the guests appear as birds, this date being the one on which birds are supposed to choose their mates and begin building their nests. If this plan is adopted the thought is still further carried out by having the round refreshment table edged with branches and straw, quite like a veritable nest of gigantic proportions. The refreshments served in paper eggs will keep up the illusion. In sending out the invitations the hostess should intimate what bird she wishes each one of her guests to represent; therefore, when the company arrives it is discovered, as was the case in the Ark, that there are two of each kind — pairs of robins, sparrows, eagles, doves, etc., being represented in the masculine and feminine guests. Of course, such pairs are considered partners for the evening, and should there be any defections the lone creatures afford much amusement for the mated ones. Another really funny element in this "Bird Party" is that masculine and feminine ideas of what they should look like as the birds designated by their hostess differ so widely that when the time for mate-choosing arrives many a robin or sparrow fails to recognize its mate. Profound secrecy as to what bird each one is to represent will add much to the enjoyment to be derived from the evening's revelations.


Party Ideas

CHILDREN'S FORTUNE-TELLING PARTY: In one corner of the room in which the fortunes are to be told stand a large heart about six feet tall made of barrel-hoops and wire covered with turkey-red cotton, against a white box or clothes-horse covered with sheets. Cut two slits in the heart; above one write "Lassies," above the other "Lads."  Tie to the heart by a cord about a yard long a wooden dart painted with gold paint; on the reverse side of the point of the dart tack a piece of gold-colored cloth to form a pocket large enough to hold a tiny envelope. Then invite the lads and lassies to seek their fortunes by thrusting the dart into the respective slits. A pretty girl dressed as the Queen of Hearts should stand at one side of the heart and explain how wise counsel may be had for the future, and another girl should stand behind to slip an envelope in the dart each time it is inserted. The envelopes hold the fortunes, and, of course, would have to be prepared beforehand by someone well acquainted with the aims and aspirations of the invited guests. In order to avoid any delay or confusion the envelopes for the girls should be kept in one box and those for the men in another. If the fortunes are cleverly written this party will prove a very merry one.


Entertaining Ideas

CHILDREN'S CUPID PARTY: A Cupid party idea is alive with fun and mystery. Issue the invitations in Cupid's name for a party to be held at the residence of Mrs. ——. The little god may be represented by a boy dressed in a white linen suit. He should have pink paper wings tinted with gold, and a pink rose for a boutonnière. Provide him also with a jaunty cap and a bow and arrow and let him pass to each guest a pencil and a sheet of white paper decorated with a pink and gold heart, on which ten letters of the alphabet are written that have been dictated at random by the guests in turn. Inform the guests that each letter is to be used for the beginning of a word, and that these ten words must form an appropriate valentine message. Each note should be addressed impersonally, as, for instance: "For my Lady Fair," or "Sir Knight of the Roses," or " Queen of the Revels." Then let Cupid collect the sheets of paper and take them to the hostess, who will read the results, withholding the signatures. Two prizes may be awarded by vote, one for the lady and one for the gentleman writing the cleverest message.