Virtual Museums, Online Museums & Historical Societies

Museums are dedicated to helping people understand and appreciate the history of civilizations, and the record of humanity’s artistic, scientific, and technological achievements. Museums collect objects of scientific, aesthetic, or historical importance; care for them; and study, interpret, and exhibit them for the purposes of public education and the advancement of knowledge. There are museums in almost every major city in the world and in many smaller communities as well.


The major types of museums are art, history, natural history, and science. In certain museums, these disciplines may be combined. Within these categories there are also many specialized museums emphasizing particular topics or types of collections, such as museums of local history, music, the cultural heritage of native peoples, or maritime history.

In the United States, there are approximately 8,300 museums of all types, with history museums being the most common type. Canada has about 1,400 museums. In the late 1990s there were, annually, more than 800 million visits to U.S. museums and more than 25 million visits to Canadian museums.

Online exhibitions and virtual museums extend a museum beyond its physical walls and invite virtual visitors to explore images and text at their own pace. These exhibitions range from digital images of a museum’s works to three-dimensional, interactive tours of a museum’s galleries with audio and video. 


Acorn Hall

The American Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Photography Guided Tour

American Red Cross Virtual Museum

American Treasures - Library of Congress

The Ancient Olympic Games Virtual Museum

The Annuity Museum

Asahel Bush House

Asa Packer Mansion Museum

California Historical Society

California State Railroad Museum

The Canadian Museum of Civilization

Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum

Chester County Historical Society

Chicago Historical Society

The Civil War at Endview

The Collection at The National Gallery of Art

Conrad Mansion National Historic Site Museum

Durham Cathedral

Ellis Island, NY 1900-1920 Photographic Exhibit

Field Museum of Natural History Exhibits

The Frick Art & Historical Center

German Historical Museum, Textiles & Clothing

Golden Gate Railroad Museum

The Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village

Heritage Map Museum

Historic Hudson Valley

Historic New Orleans Collection

Historic Cold Spring Village

Historic Latta Plantation

Historic Rugby

Holocaust Museum Tour

The International Museum of Horses

Kansas State Historical Society


Kings Landing Historical Settlement

LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art)

Lafayette Square

Lee Hall Mansion
Interpreting the 1862 Peninsula Campaign

Living History Farms

Magic Lantern Castle Museum

The Mark Twain House

Maryland Historical Trust


The Museum of the Confederacy

National Gallery of Art

New-York Historical Society

Old Sturbridge Village

Peabody Essex Museum

Royal Ontario Museum

The Smithsonian - The World's Largest Museum

South Carolina Historical Society

The Victoria and Albert Museum







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